We've had a unique visitor to the farm the past few days. If you look closely in the video, you can see the white bodied Snow Goose with black wingtips flying amongst the Canadian Geese. During winter and migration, these snow geese can be found in plowed cornfields or wetlands. They commonly roost in or along the shorelines of lakes, ponds, and marshes.
This article from All About Birds, gives you a little more information about their habitat and history.
"Snow Geese breed in colonies on Canadian and Northern Alaskan tundra in the vicinity of the coast, from the high arctic to the subarctic. They choose areas near ponds, shallow lakes, coastal salt marshes, or streams (including river islands), preferring rolling terrain that loses its snow early and escapes flooding during spring thaw. Snow Geese form three separate regional populations—eastern, central, and western—distinctions that are more or less preserved as the geese migrate to their wintering grounds. After chicks hatch, families move to brood-rearing territories with a lot of grasses and bryophytes, including tidal marshes and wet areas near ponds. During spring and fall migration along all four major North American flyways, geese frequently stop in open areas like lakes, farm fields, protected freshwater and brackish marshes, sluggish rivers, and sandbars. They winter in regions on both American coasts as well as in some inland areas, frequenting open habitats like marshes, grasslands, marine inlets, freshwater ponds, and agricultural fields."

"Snow Goose Life History." Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Cornell University, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2018.